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Our Vision

At Stockfin Analysis (CCI) currency pairs, (forex) Commodities, (Stocks, Gold, Silver, Crude oil and other precious metals) Digital currencies (mining and trading) and The US Non-Farm Payroll are all traded on live markets five(5) days a week by our team of expert traders and financial market analysts who have years of experience in carrying out all types of marketplace tradig.
After years of professional trading on several markets, we have joined our skills, experience, knowledge, and talents with the best and most "conservative" trading strategist specialized in minimizing risks, yield & profits maximization.

In the effort to bring a new reliable investment opportunity to our customers CCI has created it's own Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU), an emergency insurance funds to protect the future interests/investment funds for all users in extreme cases. we allocate 10% of our total revenue into the Secure Asset Fund for Users to guarantees consistent returns of the investments we propose.

Now we trade on the Foreign exchange market, stocks, Cryptocurrency mining / Trading, and the US Non-Farm Payroll.

About CEO

Erik Voorhees is the founder of the startup Stockfin Analysis, a Bitcoin and altcoin exchange creator and the CEO also took part in the development of Stockfin Analysis. He is a dedicated supporter of Bitcoin and frequently is a speaker at related conferences and meetings. Voorhees believes the national monetary system has essential problems and he, being an opponent of taxation, is actively involved in the creation of cryptocurrency regulation. He explains that it is for his own benefit, which can help to expand his determination to strengthening the financial system of the United Kingdom.

Erik Voorhees is among the top-recognized serial Bitcoin advocates and entrepreneurs, understanding Bitcoin as one of the most important inventions ever created by humanity. Erik was most recently featured on the 2016 documentary, “Banking on Bitcoin.” His past blockchain company affiliations include: BitInstant, Coinapult and, most notably, SatoshiDice, which was responsible for most of the Bitcoin transactions in 2012 and 2013

Making a Difference

Today in this era of technological advancements and digital innovation, there is an ever-increasing demand for energy to power these innovations. These requirements pose a real threat to environment considering, the energy required is obtained from depletion of fossil reserves. Stockfin Analysis Group is all set to introduce one of the most advanced, self-learning and eco-friendly mining solution, a state-of-the-art waste to energy plant.
In the waste-to-energy plants, bio-degradable waste will be collected, processed and transformed into clean energy. The energy produced will power our ongoing crypto mining farm, in turn, increase the efficiency of mining our own coins when introduced in the future, reducing our dependency on already scarce fossil fuels. This revolutionary method will also address Waste surplus and Energy shortfall crisis. Thus, creating a sustainable culture to fulfil insatiable energy demands of the cryptocurrency mining projects. The efficiency, excellence, and sustainability of Stockfin Analysis Group mining sector will be driven by recovering CO2- neutral fuel from biomass and further using this fuel to produce clean energy with extremely low emissions.


Our vision is to be the first choice for individuals in search of asset management service all around the world. Our experienced team of strategy managers and AI, has the experience, specialized know-how and the right motivation needed to monitor market developments, We emphasize on the transparency and quality of transactions, as well as on the efficient management of investment risk associated with our activities.

Our main philosophy is the formation of investment policies and investment proposals through the constant and methodological assessment of current financial conditions within a long-term horizon. Our core strategy is the active management of investment portfolios on the basis of identifying and taking advantage of investment opportunities in all asset classes.

Inclustion & diversity

Inclusion and diversity are key to our success. By fully leveraging our diverse experiences, backgrounds and insights, we can inspire innovation, challenge the status quo and create better outcomes for our people and our clients.

Active Approach With People

Stockfin Analysis Group is committed to cultivating and advancing diversity in all forms because we believe in a wide range of perspectives and talent is crucial to creating a richer culture for our employees and a greater experience for our diversified global clientelle base.

Senior business leaders make sure that all employees in their groups understand why diversity is important for success and equip them with tools and knowledge to foster inclusion. We have made leadership and management a core inclusive in our organization. Since 2015, more than 2,500 managers and leaders globally participated in driving better decisions, an initiative that helps leaders and managers understand how unconscious bias works and, most importantly, provides concrete tools and guidance on how to take action to mitigate bias in key people and business decisions. As part of this program, we have redesigned key human resources processes to minimize the potential for bias and foster diversity. We hold our businesses accountable for progress in inclusion and diversity. During our quarterly business Reviews, we have focused conversations with each employee group/business about their plans and progress. We report our progress against our inclusion and diversity initiatives regularly to our Board of Directors. As a signatory of HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter, which seeks to build a more balanced and diverse financial services industry, CCI is committed to achieving 20% female representation in senior management by 2021.



Stockfin Analysis which is owned and operated by Stockfin Analysis (collectively, “Stockfin Analysis,” “We,” or “Us”), with possession of an identity of its own, it is based in the UK and is well regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct authorities) prudential supervision under the P2 category, FCA is the largest prudential regulator across Europe.
In essence, we have been assessed on how well we understand risks, how well placed we are to manage those risk (guarantee/insurance) and how well we can avoid large, unexpected costs.


Stockfin Analysis is expanding, we went to Germany and obtained a license and is now opening a branch office in Germany and Switzerland, In accordance with section 53b (1) KWG, German investment Act (InvG). Bafin permits Stockfin Analysis group to operate as a financial service institution that may operate in Germany on a cross-border basis without a local presence under the EU supervision on the freedom to provide services. (Notification procedure/ European passport).
Note: European Passports are merely for companies from another signatory state to the Agreement on the European Economy. Area, which simply must notify Bafin of their intention to provide cross-board services or establish a branch in Germany.

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